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Monday, July 12, 2010

The Book is Live

Marty Whimpel and the Curse of the Acne Pimple (The Adventures of Marty Whimpel and Nicholas Chrismon) by Tatton, Jim and Tatton, Jim (Kindle Edition - July 9, 2010) - Kindle Book
Well, we finally did it! The first book in The Adventures of Marty Whimple and Nicholas Chrismon is finally available for everyone to read. After 6 years of trying to get it published the normal way, we finally decided to try a different route. It is now on!! It is $3.99 to download to your PC, Laptop, Kindle, Ipad, Iphone, Mac, Blackberry, or Android. If you like it, tell everyone you know. The Author has a 7 novel series planned so we are really trying to get the word out.

Click on the link abovw and it will take you right to his book.

Here is the Description for the book!!!

A world with no books! Can you imagine? For the children of the future, that is the world they know, until they meet Nicholas Chrismon. As Marty's friend and Eyahge'er (Story Teller), he shares with the children the story of Marty's life and his ability to enter the land of books. He shares the many adventures he and Marty had together and helps the children appreciate books and understand the power they hold. Join Marty as he saves the witch Bismorda, tackles the stresses of Junior High School, comes face to face with death as he confronts evil and the sisters of Zanth, all the while gathering keys and ingredients in many lands to create a secret potion to save himself and the land of books.